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Welcome to Bob's Track Plans

Custom model railroad layout designs for any scale, any gauge, any prototype, any era

Robert W. (Bob) Sprague has created hundreds of layout plans, including more than fifteen published in Model Railroader.

Bob specializes in designs based on prototype locations, routes, and scenes. He makes sure that the resulting layouts are satisfying to build and provide realistic operation.

View many examples of Bob's plans in the Gallery, and please use the contact form to request a quote.

Some Recent Plans


Every advanced model railroader has unique preferences, goals, and space available. Working with an experienced track planner helps you take full advantage of your layout room, while ensuring that the layout you take years to build will continue to keep you satisfied and challenged.

Bob Sprague has designed more than 250 detailed, operation-oriented railroads. While insisting that "it's your railroad," he can supply valuable experience and perspective to help you get the most out of your hobby.

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